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Awareness about healthy life or mensuration cycle .

A discussion was held with the women in the village about health in which we told them about safe abortion, menstruation and not to use any kind of cloth. We held this meeting in 10 villages of 2 Panchayats. Due to which women and teenagers participated in the jam and learned all this from us.

IAS visit computer center and counseling class

IAS Salochna Meena Maidam ji came to our center to meet the children of computer class or counseling class opened by Naya Sawera Vikas Kendra and talked to them in detail about herself and how she got into UPSC. How to crack the exam to reach IAS post or how can girls prepare for their


Computer class- Angan Girls youth computer traning center. Tranning period -1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 Project complete – 7 month Loaction – Bahoranpur Funded by -Lotus outreach Germany Target – 240 girls for basic computer knowledge , 240 Advance programme . 20% and 30% extra effort orient for job Counselling  carrier counselling and

football tournament (Gumla) Jharkhand

A football tournament was organized with the adolescent girls in Gumla district of Jharkhand, in which the adolescent girls participated openly and played the football match with full enthusiasm, in which they were also given the price of first second third and they were also given a jersey as a consolation prize for playing them.

Block level seminar

In block level seminar we are discuss about against child marriage and there harmful effect and destroy there future .